Friday, October 18, 2013

Testament: A Tangible Proof or Tribute

I have neglected "capturing now" in this blog for quite some time and as I look at my previous blogs I have to say, "Wow, has my life changed!"

I DID SOMETHING! And I can say that I am a testament to the notion if you put your mind to something you will see the payoff. (yes, what I'm telling you is we manifest our destiny)

On January 1st, 2013 I stated at the end of my, oh so eloquent "happy fucking New Year" entry that, "
I'm going to keep forging ahead because that's what I do and maybe this year will be the year I become one of the happy ones..."

Since then I have lost 15 pounds, completed two websites, started two businesses, entered school to become a hypnotherapist and learned that, among other things, I have the gift of channeling spirit. 

To say that I am "one of the happy ones" is a gross understatement. I think what I have come to realize in the last 8 months is that when you find your passion happiness is a given. Now, I'm not jumping up and down doing the happy dance everyday, but I have a clear vision of my future and this focus brings an overall happiness to my life. 

Happiness begets happiness. Meaning ~ the happier I am the more open I am to it, which in turn multiplies the events the can cause happiness. Happiness is a state that you are constantly creating by how you relate to the world and the force of energy you bring to the happenings of your day. Happiness is not  a warm puppy - happiness is the energy you feel when you and the warm puppy share space. 

I'm still navigating through this brave new world and some days there's a cloud or two that sneak in, but the progress I have witnessed and I have lived in the last 8 months, in some ways, feels other worldly ~ almost like it wasn't me who created it. I did have a lot to do with it so I will give myself the credit do, but I undoubtedly feel the conspiring going on in the universe, and how wonderful it feels to know I'm not alone! I have a genius on my side that already has it all figure out. I am a co-creator of my experience, and I welcome the partnership - I embrace it, as I know it says, "where the hell have you been? We've been here all the time!"

The universe and I are dancing together in the formation of this gift that is my life's path. 
I hope you're dancing too!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pulling Weeds

The other day I was walking down the street and I noticed some pretty little flowers planted near a ficus tree. Then I noticed the weeds amongst them.

What a metaphor for life - you can plant pretty flowers, but if they are surrounded by weeds - You can't fully enjoy the blooms.

In order for me to live the life I imagine I have to weed my own garden.
What are my weeds?
Low self esteem,
Second guessing,
Laziness, etc.
All these weeds keep me from moving forward and growing a beautiful garden of my dreams.

How do I cultivate a healthy garden?
By first pulling the weeds, one by one, with care and precision,
as not to leave any roots so they may sprout again.

Pulling out the negativity and replacing with beautiful blooms that, with care, love, and attention will flourish.

Be mindful of the weeds in your garden - don't plant flowers and forget to pull the weeds.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Capturing Action

"The path to success is to take massive, determined action." Anthony Robbins.

I get it.....

I can sit on my ass and dream all day about the possibilities, but until I take pointed, concise, goal driven action nothing is going to happen.

When I was about 6 years old I was taught by the church that we attended (St Paul Lutheran Church, Missoula Montana) that if I prayed hard enough God would answer my prayers. I was cautiously optimistic and set about to praying. I don't even remember now what I prayed for, but I do remember that I never received it. I think it was a bike or a barbie. Whatever it was - I didn't get it.
I felt like God didn't hear me, or even worse, that I wasn't worthy of his listening ears. 

I missed the sermon where the pastor spoke of works (I guess I must have been sick that day!)

"Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:17

It never dawned on me that God wanted me to do SOMETHING! I am not sure if I chose not to "hear' this message because I was lazy or if no one ever told me. I would venture to say the former (as much as I hate to admit it.)

The beauty about taking action is the feeling of accomplishment. That is worth the time it takes to make the shit happen!

Today, with tremendous help from my best friend, I launched the new website.
It's just the beginning and I can see where it's going and there is a feeling of satisfaction that all the faith I could muster would not have accomplished.

Of course, I know about faith - I have that, but the works is the magic bean we need to find success and meet our goals.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

One of the Happy Ones

Happy fucking new year....

I feel like my brain is the Los Angeles sky in mid summer when the rain hasn't washed the muck away for months. It's thick, dirty and ugly.

Every attempt I make to clear the atmosphere - change my thought patterns, create abundance, get happy, live with enthusiasm or any other number of positive switches, I am marred by old programming. It has a strangle hold on my progress and it pisses me off. It's like the crud on an old pot that I keep scrubbing and scrubbing, but the residue continues to stick.

Now I know what you will say - just do it. Just make the change. All you have to do is think positive.... BLAH BLAH BLAH. That's such bullshit. I have thought positive, I have read every God damn book out there, I have meditated for way more than 21 days, and I know I am not my thoughts, I know the power of positive thinking. And yet here I am another year down behind me and I feel like shit.

I understand why people take pills. Life's pressures - pressure to keep up, pressure to fit in, pressure to meet outside and self expectations can all get to be too much... and for what? So we can be fulfilled that's why - I don't even know what fulfillment means to me, at this point I would just be happy with some clean air in my cranium.

I'm so tired of feeling this way. Why am I not one of the happy ones? Why is it such a challenge to get out of my own way and just let things flow. Where is my fucking motivation??????

I'm going to keep forging ahead because that's what I do and maybe this year will be the year I become one of the happy ones...