Friday, October 18, 2013

Testament: A Tangible Proof or Tribute

I have neglected "capturing now" in this blog for quite some time and as I look at my previous blogs I have to say, "Wow, has my life changed!"

I DID SOMETHING! And I can say that I am a testament to the notion if you put your mind to something you will see the payoff. (yes, what I'm telling you is we manifest our destiny)

On January 1st, 2013 I stated at the end of my, oh so eloquent "happy fucking New Year" entry that, "
I'm going to keep forging ahead because that's what I do and maybe this year will be the year I become one of the happy ones..."

Since then I have lost 15 pounds, completed two websites, started two businesses, entered school to become a hypnotherapist and learned that, among other things, I have the gift of channeling spirit. 

To say that I am "one of the happy ones" is a gross understatement. I think what I have come to realize in the last 8 months is that when you find your passion happiness is a given. Now, I'm not jumping up and down doing the happy dance everyday, but I have a clear vision of my future and this focus brings an overall happiness to my life. 

Happiness begets happiness. Meaning ~ the happier I am the more open I am to it, which in turn multiplies the events the can cause happiness. Happiness is a state that you are constantly creating by how you relate to the world and the force of energy you bring to the happenings of your day. Happiness is not  a warm puppy - happiness is the energy you feel when you and the warm puppy share space. 

I'm still navigating through this brave new world and some days there's a cloud or two that sneak in, but the progress I have witnessed and I have lived in the last 8 months, in some ways, feels other worldly ~ almost like it wasn't me who created it. I did have a lot to do with it so I will give myself the credit do, but I undoubtedly feel the conspiring going on in the universe, and how wonderful it feels to know I'm not alone! I have a genius on my side that already has it all figure out. I am a co-creator of my experience, and I welcome the partnership - I embrace it, as I know it says, "where the hell have you been? We've been here all the time!"

The universe and I are dancing together in the formation of this gift that is my life's path. 
I hope you're dancing too!

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